Definition of Debauchery
"1. Extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.
2. Seduction from morality, allegiance, or duty"
I mean if that doesn't describe this weekend then i can't come up with a better word.
This picture here is my BFF, Lauren Elizabeth Walker. I say that like anyone reads my blog besides Denise, Hope, and Rebecca. Anyway for those of you who don't know Lauren Walker she is extremely disturbed and morally bankrupt. In other words, she is a really really good time.
Ok so I apologize for my inexperience in blogging. I'm trying to get the hang of it. I think I am having a hard time because I just don't think anyone gives a damn what I have to say, but oh well....Comments are appreciated.
Yessss... morally bankrupt! best compliment ever!